The Future of UX: Designing Data Experiences

The Future of UX: Designing Data Experiences

User Focus (UXPA DC chapter), October 2014, Washington, D.C.

The future of UX is the user who begins a task on one device, continues through many more interfaces across many platforms and many more devices and completes their task with little recognition of, or interest in the complexity involved. To stay relevant in the development of digital products, we need think at a higher level than screens or sites or devices.

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Every Channel That Rises Must Converge

MobileUX Camp DC, Sept. 2013, Washington, D.C.

Those sweet days of delusion when we could act like our users’ experiences were contained within a single interface on a single device on a single platform are over. And don’t kid yourself, we’re not going to get away much longer with the comfortable (and just as delusional) concept of “cross-channel” design. There’s only one channel, the user’s, and everything we create is just content sliding into and out of their field of vision. So how the hell do we deal with all that?

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Mapping the Unknown: Diagramming 21st Century Experiences

WebVisions, May 2011 in Portland, Ore. and UX Sketchcamp SF, May 2011 in San Francisco

Driven by a hunger for wealth and enabled by emergent technology, the Age of Exploration that started six centuries ago connected Europeans to the rest of the world's population on an unprecedented scale. It's a model that should sound familiar to us now in an age defined by the Internet and its potential for connecting anyone to everyone. Our efforts to holistically model today's user experiences are similar to 15th century mapmakers' struggles to locate newly discovered lands within a global view. The simple process flows, Visio documents and conceptual diagrams of the 20th century aren't useful when experiences transcend individual interfaces and devices.

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