Doing Epic Work in Less-Than-Epic Places

Doing Epic Work in Less-Than-Epic Places

Giant Conference keynote, June 2014, Charleston, S.C.

You’re back in the office for the first time since attending the GIANT Conference. You’re overloaded with intellectual momentum, inspired by all the exciting things you heard in Charleston and the fascinating peers you talked to. You stare at your jam-packed inbox, but you can’t seem to focus on any of the messages. The silly grin that’s been stretched across your face all morning fades, your cheeks relax. And you think to yourself: Amazing people are doing amazing things ... but not here.

What you’re going to need at that moment will not come from some Tony Robbins/Dr. Phil type motivational speech. Instead, seasoned UX consultant Dan Willis will explore five specific tactics for doing epic work despite in whose offices you might be sitting as post-conference ennui crashes over you.

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All You Really Need to Know About Users You Learned In High School

Midwest UX, April 2011, Columbus, Ohio

User research? A fad! Personas? Like I don't know enough real people and have to make some up. Usability? Hey, if that shopping cart was good enough for Amazon, I'm sure it'll work just fine for us. Not everything requires user testing, okay? We learned plenty long before we read any of those fancy books or paid for conferences just to have late-night drunken conversations about taxonomies.

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